STOP Trying to Make Sense of the Change, Transformation or Shift You’re Experiencing!
It’s been a wonderfully strange and a strangely wonderful year.
After years, I was finally able to make a big change in my eating habits by going Paleo and overcome my sugar addiction.
Also, because of the emotional healing I’ve been getting via therapy, I feel more connected to the essence of who I am, I’ve finally been able to get what it is to let go and let God (i.e. surrender), I generally feel more confident, peaceful and happy, and I feel more connected to the world at large with something valuable to contribute, as opposed to the past where I felt totally disconnected, standing on the outside looking in.
To add to all this, my spiritual gifts have been coming more apparent, serendipities have been occurring for me at an alarming rate that I have to sit back sometimes and marvel in astonishment, estranged people have been showing up in my life, ugly truths about people around me and myself have been rising to the surface, and I’ve become more attuned to the Flow.
This journey has definitely had its highs this year where I feel I’m riding the wave and everything seems so clear and apparent.
…and then, it also has it lows, where some of your old thought and emotional patterns come back to slap you in the face, and everything seems so confusing, disheveled, topsy turvy, discombobulated and in limbo.
This is one of those times.
I had been very pleased with myself for not only getting my eating together, but also being able to post a blog on this site once a week more or less consistently for the past nine months, getting back into my modeling and booking photo shoots consistently with photographers which is starting to build momentum to launch my next event I call “The Ike Show,” and finally, I’ve started to line up guests for my upcoming podcast series.
With me having surrendered all my passions and interests to God so He can show me how He wants to use them through me to accomplish the purpose He created me for, all the separate pieces of my life seemed to be coming together.
However, in the midst of all this, I’ve lost total interest in going to the gym this past week to the point that I skipped the week because I abhorred the thought of going, I’ve also had writer’s block in terms of posting blogs on here that caused me to skip a week as well, and I’ve been feeling off center and once again disconnected from who I am.
This proved to be discouraging because if my purpose is supposed to be coming together, how can things that I consider to play a big role in me actualizing my purpose seem to be falling off?
As I reflected on all this, I was reminded of the fact that God is in control, and since He’s the one who’s been transforming me so that I can be equipped to fulfill His purpose, I need to trust Him and let Him do His work. After all, I’ve been going to the gym for over fifteen years, more often than not consistently, and so, me TOTALLY not wanting to be at the gym was my body telling me to rest while bigger things play out in my transformation. In terms of me not feeling creatively inspired and feeling off center, that comes with the territory of going through a shift. When a structure is being broken down in order to be changed and rebuilt, certain things that were integral to the structure are going to be affected as well.
It reminds me about when we’re little kids, and we’re watching our moms prepare food in the kitchen. Wanting to help them, we begin to take things out of the kitchen cabinets and the refrigerator and give them to her in hopes that they can be of use to her. However, because we ultimately didn’t understand the process she’s undertaking to prepare the food, nor did we understand what ingredients went into it, as well as we meant we often wound up interfering in the process.
The best thing for us to do was to sit back and trust that our mothers knew what they were doing, and that if and when they needed us to do something, they would surely make it be known to us.
It’s the same thing when we surrender ourselves to God and let Him have His way with us so He can transform us to be able to fulfill the purpose He created us for. We may see things that are “supposed” to be one way go in an unexpected direction, things that we had that we took for granted my seem to go or ha taken away, right may seem left and left may seem right, things may be here one day and gone tomorrow, and everything may seem to be falling apart while at the same time seem to be coming together.
In other words, things just may not seem to make any sense whatsoever, and that’s because you can’t use “human sense” to explain “God sense.” When God is bringing transformation to our lives, He’s working to craft a bigger picture of us so that He can in turn use us to fulfill the bigger picture that He’s working out for His overall creation, thus, rather than judge ourselves, complain, criticize or fret, it’s better just to trust God and allow things to unfold exactly the way they need.
This is The Viable Alternative.
Hope this helps,
Ike Love