What to Do When You Feel Trapped by Your Circumstances (pt. 1)

September 10th, 2023 No comments

2013 was truly a crappy, difficult year that I was truly happy about when it ended.

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9 Ways You Can Find Your Strength As a Sheltered, Emasculated Man

May 7th, 2023 No comments

We have a dilemma going on…

In this day and age, due to the advances made in technology or changes in thinking, we’re witnessing a number of societal changes that have adversely affected men, namely in the West, that include:

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Why Most “Self” Help is a Complete Farce and Waste of Your Time

June 26th, 2022 No comments

Yeah, I know, it’s been a long time, but if you will, follow me down this lane…

You’re a dude who’s insecure about your height because people have been poking fun at it for most of your life, and that has had a negative impact on your self esteem which in turn has had a negative impact on your dating life, career, and your social life. You feel like a victim and blame all your mishaps, failures and shortcomings on your height.

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My Embarrassing Journey from Being Terrified of and Angry at Women to Learning How to Love, Respect and “Sort of” Understand Them

March 1st, 2016 No comments


It was the early 90s, the summer after my Freshman year in college, the month of August to be exact, and two friends of mine and I were walking around in the Village to talk to girls.

We were walking east towards Broadway, coming from Washington Square Park, and walking towards us were these two femme girls holding hands. Read more…


How I’m Discovering My Purpose and How You Can Discover Yours

December 22nd, 2015 No comments


So, I’m still riding high from completing my last event about a week ago called, “Expressions of Divinity” – Ike Love Holiday Showcase/Reception. I have this feeling that I can accomplish anything I put my mind AND my heart to, and I’m looking forward for the next step on my journey. Due to the momentum I feel, I’m looking to take on bigger endeavours, and also looking to working on areas that I was hitherto intimidated to face.

As I continue to reflect on the event, I’ve come to see how the “mystery” of my own purpose is unraveling through a combination of harnessing my gifts, pursuing my passions, overcoming my obstacles and delving into areas that pique my curiosity. These different components, and how I came upon each of them are starting to reveal to me the bigger picture and show me everything happens for a reason. Read more…
