It’s funny, but when I used to hear people talk about leaving a legacy, it logically made sense as something that should be taken into consideration, but it never really resonated deeply within me so I never took the question of what type of legacy I wanted to leave to heart. Read more…
Among honouring yourself and consistently stepping out of your comfort zone, one of the cornerstones of developing a high self esteem is becoming aware of your self defeating thoughts, habits, patterns, behaviours and emotions (I explain more about this in a blog I wrote several years back titled, “3 Ways to Improve Your Self Esteem and Take Back Your Power“). Not being aware of them is like being in a boat unaware that there’s a hole in it and wondering why no matter how hard you row you have to struggle to stay afloat. Read more…
I’ve had it on my heart for the last four years to produce this show called THE IKE SHOW 20__ VIDEO LAUNCH -“Get out of Your Own Way.”
The show, which was originally supposed to take place in 2012, but then was pushed back to 2013, then to 2014, then to…well, let’s just say it’s still “in the works.” Read more…