How Cooking Can Transform Your Sense of Masculinity

July 17th, 2024 No comments

Summer has officially arrived in my part of the world and I couldn’t be more thrilled and happy because this is my favourite season! Woohoo!!

Anyhoo, some time back, I wrote a blog titled, “9 Ways You Can Find Your Strength As a Sheltered, Emasculated Man,” and one of the things I suggested in this blog was to learn how to cook for yourself.

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Do You Deal with Morning Anxiety?

June 23rd, 2024 No comments

I thought I was the only one who dealt with morning anxiety where as soon as you wake up, you get a flood of negative thoughts and anxious feelings about life which get your day off to a bad start. However, after encountering a number of other people with similar experiences, I’m finding that it’s quite a common occurrence.

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Why You’re Inhibited and Stifled (Part 3)

December 16th, 2023 No comments

Hey, I’m back again with this being inhibited and stifled stuff.

Dealing with that is a bitch ain’t it?

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Why You’re Inhibited and Stifled (Part 2)

October 21st, 2023 No comments

In my previous message, I shared with you that a reason why you may be inhibited and stifled is because you’re disconnected from your body which is what you feel with, and if you can’t feel, you can’t flow.

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Why You’re Inhibited and Stifled (Part 1)

October 15th, 2023 No comments

Do you ever feel stuck, stifled, or inhibited where you feel that there is charismatic, charming, confident person locked away inside of you and you can’t seem to access him?

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What to Do When You Feel Trapped by Your Circumstances (pt. 2)

September 20th, 2023 No comments

In my last message, I shared with you what to do when you feel trapped by your circumstances.

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What to Do When You Feel Trapped by Your Circumstances (pt. 1)

September 10th, 2023 No comments

2013 was truly a crappy, difficult year that I was truly happy about when it ended.

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9 Ways You Can Find Your Strength As a Sheltered, Emasculated Man

May 7th, 2023 No comments

We have a dilemma going on…

In this day and age, due to the advances made in technology or changes in thinking, we’re witnessing a number of societal changes that have adversely affected men, namely in the West, that include:

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The Viable Alternative: Why Being a “High Quality” Man Trumps Being “High Value”

April 15th, 2023 No comments

If you follow the “Manosphere” which is a collection of websites, blogs, YouTube channels, social media pages and profiles and online forums that deal with masculinity and men’s issues, you may have noticed that one of the hot topics of discussion of the day is the “high value man.”

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The Urgent Need to Resurrect Nuanced, Independent Thinking in this HYSTERICAL, Polarized Society

March 11th, 2023 No comments

I had originally wanted to write this two years ago, but I didn’t actually write this until well over a year later in August 2022, and after finishing it, it sat for another seven months before I decided to make this public. Posts like these tend to be very polarizing and so I’ve tended to be more discerning as to what I post because arguing with people on social media just takes up a lot of your time. Nonetheless, I feel that now this needs to be shared.

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