6 Brutally Honest Steps to Stop Attracting Psychos, Losers and Douchebags As Boyfriends and Girlfriends

January 26th, 2016 2 comments

Warm Winter Romance

So you’re a dude and you ended yet another, to put it mildly, “dysfunctional” relationship. But “Shut up,” you tell me, this one wasn’t so bad. She never called the police after the two of you had an argument and demanded that you be arrested because you hit her even though she was doing all of the hitting and throwing of lethal objects. Read more…

The Nice Guy vs. the Jerk – Are These the ONLY Two Options Women Have?

January 19th, 2016 1 comment

Arm Wrestling

“Nice guys finish last.”

“She only likes the bad boys.”

“You’re too nice.”

“How come I only attract the a**holes?” Read more…

My Unique, “Unorthodox” Walk with God

January 12th, 2016 No comments

Walk of light

My last blog post where I expressed some of my doubts about what we call the present day Bible and how Christians use the Bible has sparked some interesting discussions about God, the Bible and Christianity.

This had led me to write this week about my own unique walk with the Heavenly Father.

I’ve often been looked at as too “Christian” by New Age people and too “New Age” by Christian people.

Does that mean that I’m confused? Not necessarily. What it does mean is that when you seek to walk with God in your life, the way in which God leads you will not make sense to most people, not even to you, but you know what? It doesn’t matter. All that matters is that you trust God and know that He knows where He wants to take you and what He wants to do with you. Read more…

My Beef as a “Believer” with the Bible and Christians

January 5th, 2016 No comments

The Bible, so loved and cherished by Sister Lucia


It’s funny, I wasn’t even going to write a blog this week because when I sat down to write something, my mind hit a total block and I couldn’t come up with anything. I didn’t want to force anything so I left it alone and resigned myself to the fact that this was going to be a blogless week.

Then, a few days ago, I saw a video on Facebook titled “How the Bible Has Changed Over the Past 2,000 Years” and decided to share it with a post attached stating the questions I’ve been personally struggling with about the Bible. Read more…

How I’m Discovering My Purpose and How You Can Discover Yours

December 22nd, 2015 No comments


So, I’m still riding high from completing my last event about a week ago called, “Expressions of Divinity” – Ike Love Holiday Showcase/Reception. I have this feeling that I can accomplish anything I put my mind AND my heart to, and I’m looking forward for the next step on my journey. Due to the momentum I feel, I’m looking to take on bigger endeavours, and also looking to working on areas that I was hitherto intimidated to face.

As I continue to reflect on the event, I’ve come to see how the “mystery” of my own purpose is unraveling through a combination of harnessing my gifts, pursuing my passions, overcoming my obstacles and delving into areas that pique my curiosity. These different components, and how I came upon each of them are starting to reveal to me the bigger picture and show me everything happens for a reason. Read more…

5 Success Lessons after Completing a Recent Milestone

December 15th, 2015 No comments

'THE RACE WAS THAT CLOSE'     Beats Serb by .01-second-margin to win his 7th gold of games

Yes folks, I know I’ve been away from quite some time. In fact, this is the longest I’ve been away since I made a decision to start posting blogs on here consistently back in September or 2014, and I apologize for that. Read more…


The “Impostor Syndrome” – My Personal Struggle

November 10th, 2015 1 comment


Things have gotten a little interesting in my life.

As I’ve been consistently moving towards my goals, and sharing my progress, my challenges and successes with people, I’ve been getting various people from social media, some completely unexpected and random, as well as people face-to-face telling me how much I’m an inspiration to them and how much of an amazing person I am. Read more…

6 Steps to Healing Your Past Pain

November 3rd, 2015 1 comment

pain of losing a loved one [explored]

Once upon a time, you were a little child, completely helpless and dependent on your parents or caretakers for life itself. They knew it, and equally as important, YOU knew it. Read more…

My Wealth Chronicles 10.27.15 – Learning to Align Myself with “The Flow.”

October 27th, 2015 No comments

River Ziller Rapids

One of my goals for this year was to overcome lack in my life in the area of my finances. As I put the intention out there to overcome this challenge, I’ve been having some interesting lessons and insights. Read more…


My Journey of Overcoming Lack and Attracting Wealth Pt. 2 – Learning How to Have FAITH

October 20th, 2015 No comments


Last week I talked about how I finally was able to get how I needed to change my story about money, but, how am I doing it? Read more…