The other day I had a quite disturbing conversation with a Christian who was saying that having self-confidence and high self-esteem was of the Devil and leads to self-destruction. Read more…
I had a profound insight the other day. Read more…
If you’ve been on the path of personal growth and/or spiritual enlightenment, one of the books that come highly recommended to read is a book by the name of “The Power of Now,” by Eckart Tolle. Read more…
Growing up an ethnically ambiguous kid and a second generation immigrant, one of my sole desires growing up was to fit and blend in with everyone else, namely because I felt I stuck out so much and always felt I was on the outside looking in.
I always observed others to take cues on what it was like to be like everyone else. I would copy their mannerisms, how they spoke, how they dressed, and sometimes, if they had a differing view than me, I would take up theirs. Read more…
Faith is described in the Bible as “the substance of hope,” and “the evidence of things not seen.”
Many people who have accomplished amazing things and overcame extreme hardships attribute it to having Faith in some Higher Power, whether it be God, the Universe, their higher self, Jesus Christ, their ancestors or whatever. Read more…
I’ve recounted in several past blogs how discovering the concept of self appointment, one of the four pillars of The Viable Alternative, at the age of 20 changed me from an angry, miserable, bitter, hateful teen who felt like he was shut out of the party called life and was always on the outside looking in to a man who felt a sense of empowerment over his own destiny and that the world was his. Read more…
I’ve always been inspired by the story of the meteoric rise of Japan in the 19th and early 20th century.
It’s one of the inspirations for The Viable Alternative. Read more…
With all the upheaval going on in the world, I’ve been recently thinking a lot about what it is to have a “purpose” in life.
As it is often said, most people are walking around fully asleep, carrying on the same old mundane routine of going to work everyday, buying things they can’t afford to impress people they don’t like, paying bills, getting manipulated by the messages of the media, without even questioning what they’re doing or why they’re here on this Earth. Read more…
Imagine if you lived on 34th Street in Manhattan (just to let you know if you’ve never been to Manhattan in New York City before, most of the streets in the borough are numbered), and you had a desire to go downtown to 14th Street because you had something really important to pick up there. Read more…
I have to apologize. I usually release a blog a week, but last week I had a technical issue with my site so I wasn’t able to post anything. Thankfully, the issue has been fixed.
Anyway, I have a friend who writes a spiritual/personal consciousness blog, and over the course of a few years, during conversations the two of us had about various subjects, she’d make mention of a recent blog post she had written as a reference to a point she was making, making the assumption I had read it. Read more…