The Magic of Surrendering and Letting Go
I’ve finally discovered what all this talk is of “surrendering” and “letting go” and it’s truly an amazing feeling.
I’ve been in ten months of therapy to date, and a month and a half ago, I experienced a shift.
From about the end of February, my sessions had shifted towards experiencing the pain I had over “abandonment” as a child so that I can begin to heal the emotions of sadness and grief that were trapped in my body and blocking me from connecting to the core essence of who I am, i.e. my spirit.
As a result of these sessions, I began to get more and more comfortable being in my body and staying with the pain I felt as opposed to staying trapped up in my head to escape feeling the emotional pain. That along with the added release of the pain and grief made me feel more connected to my core self.
My core self is the pure essence of who I am and who God had created. It is completely distinct from the false Ego self that we create and identify with. God created this core self with a purpose in mind to fulfill.
It started to dawn on me that if God created my spirit as opposed to the false, ego self, wouldn’t it make sense that by connecting more consistently to my spirit, I’d be able to connect to God, for God Himself is a spirit, as the Scripture, John 4:24 says, “For God is Spirit, so those who worship Him must worship in spirit and in truth.”
By connecting to God via my spirit, I have access to everything God had in mind for me.
Why continue to identify with and subject myself to a puny, insecure man-made ego when I could connect to my true self that was created by the Almighty God which in turn opens me up to receiving the things of God?
With this realization, I decided to make a habit of getting out of my own way, surrendering, letting go and letting God.
As such, I’m no longer concerned about whether things are going to work out for me anymore because I was already created with the intention of things actually working out for me in regards to me being taken care of in order to fulfill my purpose on this earth. Because I was made for the purpose of x, y, z and maybe more, all that comes my way is for the very purpose of x,y and z being fulfilled. Everything unfolding for my good is as natural as the sun rising and setting, all I have to do is be in the flow.
Me worrying only serves to get in the way of that happening.
I no longer worry about what my purpose is in life. By me staying connected to my spirit, I will sooner or later catch it in the same way that if you go to the beach, it’s inevitable you’re going to get sand on you or if you’re around people smoking cigarettes, you’re going to wind up smelling like cigarettes.
By surrendering to God and the purpose He has for my life, I open myself up to be a tool in the hands of the Almighty God to do something awesome and have my gifts and treasures used on a level that I could never do on my own, and that sounds pretty awesome to me.
“Abundance is not something we acquire but something we tap into.”
– Wayne Dyer
Plus, no one needs to remind God to actualize His own Plan. So by allowing myself to be a tool through which he actualizes his Plan, I rest assured that isht will get done! So what’s the worry?
I have all these projects I’ve wanted to do for a long time, but something always felt out of alignment when I had attempted them and I’d sooner or later abort them because doing them felt forced. In turn I would feel guilty for not following through on them and frustrated from feeling cut off from the flow and my inspiration.
Now I know that if these projects truly come from the core of who I am, a way will open up for me to start them, or I’ll receive some clear sign, a push, a nudge or some type of insight. When the time is right for me to move forward, whether I feel ready or not, God will surely let me know, He’s done it before.
Another huge challenge in my life has been in the realm of my finances. In regards to this, I “happened” upon a Wayne Dyer quote which was very timely and I get clearly on a deep level, “Abundance is not something we acquire but something we tap into.”
Money is simply just a flow. I’ve now surrendered by letting go of all worry about how, when and if money is going to come to me and accept the possibility of it coming to me in abundance in the way it was meant to come to me. I know i still have emotional blockages within me that are restricting the flow of money, but I’m not worried about that either. Sooner or later, they’ll be revealed and removed. As this happens, ideas, insights, opportunities, and the knowledge and growth required for me to manifest financial abundance will make themselves known.
It’s all a process that I surrender myself to.
My connection with God has become stronger and He has started to show me what a magical, miraculous playground the Universe really is. I experience serendipities, strange coincidences and miracles everyday, and things just seem to have a magical flow to them. Also, my spiritual gifts have become more apparent and stronger.
Because I’ve been more able to let go of my ego and connect to my spirit, I’m less subject to the insecurity, instability, and neurosis of my ego and feel more consistently calm, centered and confident.
I liken my letting go and surrendering to getting on a ride that is driven by God Himself. Rather than worry about how things are going to unfold, or trying to force things to unfold, I let go and allow things to unfold moment by moment, and at each moment I’ll be led to do what’s appropriate.
Considering all this, don’t get me wrong, I’m still a novice at all this “letting go,” but like a muscle I know it’ll gradually get stronger.
If you find yourself stuck, confused, or going through something major, surrender and let go and allow the Universe to flow through you. It won’t spell the end of your freedom, rather it’ll mark beginning of your freedom.
This is The Viable Alternative.
Hope this helps,
Ike Love
Thanks for sharing your experience of letting go!
I really enjoyed reading it.
I started to practice 7 years ago but in hindsight I can see now that I was only letting go of certain aspects of my life. The rest I wanted to control With self will. I have had lots of successes over the years but it’s been a struggle constantly feeling like I’m pushing and forcing.
I would listen to Abraham hicks and other law of attraction speakers who would say to focus on better feelings, visualise and write goals in the present tense. All of it was really useful and moved me forward but I felt frustrated as it seemed hard.
Now I can see it from a different perspective. As you’ve said I need to let go of repressed emotions because they are there from childhood! As I let these emotions go, go through the process of feeling them and releasing them. No longer denying, minimising, suppressing or repressing. Just realeasing the energy behind them I’m starting to find it easier!
I read somewhere that our higher self is like the sunshine it is always shining, it is always there. But there are clouds in front of the sun blocking it out. These clouds are the negative emotions , the ego, the false self! Once I let these go the sun shines through
I really liked watching the secret but they don’t tell you this on there